For sale from private collection this small WW II flyer / leaflet dropped over theGerman lines by the Americans plus three German stamps. Front: Total war against weaker ones didn't hurt you! WARSAW ROTTERDAM BELGRADE + But WE STRIKE BACK! CHURCHILL declared on July 14, 1941 that the R.A.F. From now on, ports, industries and other military targets in Germany will be bombed on an ever-increasing scale "month after month, year after year, until the Nazi regime is either eradicated by us, or better still, until the German people themselves have put an end to it." Back: What the world owes Germany: Since September 1, 1939, German bombs Men, women and children killed in 11 countries: in Poland, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Yugoslavia, Greece, Egypt and Russia. The world owes this to Hitler's Germany and the men behind the war machine. Now Germany is beginning to feel the total war that Hitler invented and started. that YOU must now suffer you owe that to your leader! Size of leaflet : 13.5 cm X 11 cm