Electronics Repair Victoria Area
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Electronics Repair Victoria Area

Hanging a Big Screen TV in Victoria

Hanging a Big Screen TV in Victoria image 1

Did you just purchase a brand new, 4K high definition television, bring it all the way back to your home or apartment, and realize that it would be much better mounted on your wall than sitting on a table? Don’t worry. Your faithful Victoria handyman is here to take care of things for you. If the TV is 45 inches or larger in size, we will ask whether you or another adult will be available to assist in lifting the television. The larger TVs weigh a lot, and are super awkward because of the size and the fragile nature of the screen. If you are unable to help, we can arrange for an extra helper to come along at an extra cost. Make sure the TV Mount is adequate for the weight of your TV. They’re all rated differently. Important - Do not cheap out here. It's wisest to buy a strong one so you can use it when you buy a larger and heavier TV in a few years. Make sure you buy the kind similar to the one in the picture above so wires can be easily accessed in the future. Also, if you object to all those wires hanging visibly down the wall to the floor, we can hide the wires in a sleeve inside the wall if that’s what you want. There can be quite a few wires (power cord, internet, satellite, Nintendo, X-Box, stereo or sound bar, DVD). It can look a bit messy without the sleeve, but if you want to save money just put a big potted plant in front of them. Absolution Handyman Services - serving Downtown Victoria, James Bay, Fairfield, Oak Bay, and Uplands Check us out at absolution.ca

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