Never been used, still in the box My first Street bike - balance bike with a brake - from 22 months up to 5 years old - with air tires ideal for urban areas with concrete, stone, or packed dirt surfaces retails for $159.99 US PREMIUM BALANCE BIKE WITH A BRAKE FirstBIKE® Provides a No-Stress Method of Learning to Ride a Bike Learning bike that grows with your toddler until they’re ready for pedals Seat height adjustment at the turn of a knob; no extra tools required Comfort, lightweight, and maneuverability ensure your child can develop balance, travel long distances (even over rough terrain) and run up hills Eliminates the need for training wheels which are counterproductive In short, a FirstBIKE pushbike is extremely safe, lightweight, and durable (weatherproof) You will hardly find another balance bike with so many awards from around the world Quick assembly means you’ll be up-and-riding in no time Aesthetically pleasing design will make your FirstBIKE the talk of the town Easy to carry, clean, and store Designed for: children from 22 months up to 5 years old Minimum seat height: 30.5 cm / 12 in (with LowKit) Maximum seat height: 44.5 cm / 17.5 in Weight: only 3.9 kg / 8.6 lb with a brake! Maximum weight load: 35 kg / 77 lb FirstBIKE Outrides the Competition High-strength yet flexible, and durable frame Child-friendly, rear drum SafetyStop™ brake “Horse saddle” seat prevents children from slipping off Seat adjustable anywhere and anytime without tools Handlebar does not fully rotate and helps keep the direction No sharp edges, parts, or extruding screws