$7.95/lb, on the rail. All about our Beef: We deliver to the Victoria area for free. If you want ground beef only, the price is $7.85/lb Ground beef is wrapped in packs that are approx 1-1.5.lbs and minimum order is 10 packs. Our Beef is: pasture raised (free range), No antibiotics No growth hormones Our beef is as healthy as you can get it. 7.95/lb, on the rail. (includes cut and wrap from all areas of the cow) All our cows are processed at a Cowichan Valley, Provincial Class "A" facility. Ordering options: Whole Cow A side for beef (1/2 cow) Half a side (1/4 cow) If you order a 'side' or 'half a side' you are getting cuts from the whole cow. The butcher divvies up the cuts into 4 bins so that you are getting as much from the hind end as you are from the front end, no matter how much you order. We use a highly reputable butcher shop in the Cowichan Valley. MORE INFO AND ORDER FORM AT: http://cowichan-valley-farms.com/free-range-beef/