Fruit is now ready. Want to try your hand at making your own wine? Have kids and want fresh grape juice all winter as an affordable alternative to corn-syrup sweetened and processed juice and popsicles? If you've never canned or frozen grapes or grape juice, no press is needed: We have a vineyard of Ortega (, a white grape. The fruit will be available Sep 21-30 (assuming the weather continues sunny). Farmed regeneratively, i.e. without any toxic pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. About 1000 pounds available. Price is $35 for a 19 L / 5 gallon pail farm stand pick up, $30 a bucket if you bring your own 5 gallon pail, farm stand pick up. U-pick price (5 bucket min.) with your own buckets: $20 a pail. A 5 gallon pail holds an average of 18-22 pounds of grapes. Taking orders now for end of the month until sold. Payment (day of pick up) by cash or e-transfer. Pickup in Saanichton. Thanks for supporting peninsula family farmers!