This head-turning trike with only 2288 kms was bought new in 2020. This trike was designed with fun in mind! It has a twist and go transmission so no gear shifting- just lean into the curves and go! Pls check and confirm but I believe if you have motorcycle license you are ready to ride. I f you donât have a 2 wheel license , dont worry ! You only need to get the simpler 3 wheel license( ask me how). This bike is powered with a 600 Ace engine so the power is there when you want it. The Vehicle Stability System with ABS makes the ride stable. You can customize the colours with panels ( I paid $ 500 for custom pink/white) Or you can buy ready made wraps for a few hundred dollars. I have shown an examples at the end. Just google Ryker Wraps. The yellow trike shown is $509 more with double the mileage;the red example is $1000 more. Same trike but mine has less mileage, desirable extras, and I am charging lessđ I paid extra for the Brake Lock, Driver Comfort Seat $350, Adjustable Windshield $350, and Max Mount, $370 which is ready for a back seat or luggage. I am moving and donât want to sell but something has to go! Come and get it in Oak Bay now!