6 speed manual V8 4.0L Engine Rear wheel drive I have not put a single kilometre on this car since I've owned it. It ran smooth and fast when I test drove and bought it. It's been in a queue of cars I need to work on and I never got to it yet. Rear passenger door lock is sticky and it needs brake line and a coolant replacement as the line slipped off during the test drive and I just parked it thinking I'd get around to it. I just had a kid and am planning another, there's no way I'm getting to this project. This is the good year which BMW fixed the piston lining issue that affected 1996 and prior years ( https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wa2mkankzeAJ:https://bimmers.com/blog/bmw-m60-engine-or-how-bmw-almost-lost-the-us-market/&cd=16&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=firefox-b-d ). This car is 1997 which is when BMW permanently fixed the problem going forward. This car will be a fun driver with tons of tuning potential if you want to go that route. I really wish I could focus on it and get many years of joy out of it, but too many projects, no time. If it doesn't sell, I guess my kids will one day have to restore it but I'd rather get the space and less to do. My loss your gain, enjoy.