Plants available by appointment. Total purchase price goes directly to youth and children in need -- especially in developing countries. Dozens of varieties of plants, displayed on gravel driveway. Many deer-resistant; attract bees, butterflies, hummingbirds. Most plants $1.50 to $6. • Baby's Tears -- 4" pot $3, 2/$5; 12" round pot (= approx. 10 small pots) $12; useful indoors and outdoors ~ Beautiful selection of fluffy plants, covered with tiny green leaves • Snowdrops -- small pot $1.50 • Cascade Berry -- 10-gallon pots, 3 available $8.00 each • Tradescantia "Nanouk" -- house plant, mauve/green stripes $2 to $5 • Spider Plant -- $2, $3 • GREAT CAMAS SEEDS from our property, collected in July: tall, royal blue, approx. 125 seeds $4.00 (compare to prices on internet); approx. 500 seeds $12; approx. 1,000 seeds $20 [plus postage cost, if mailed] • Bearded Iris — colours not known (could be blue, yellow, white, purple -- all beautiful): $3 (one gallon), $4, $5 (larger pots); known colours $5, $6; miniature iris, as in first photo $4 • Large Lonicera nitida (metre wide, 16" to 24" tall) -- $15 (5 available) • Hen and Chicks (sedum sempervivum) -- great selection of single plants and little planters of multiple plants: $1 to $10; most green with burgundy tips • little variegated boxwood plants (2" to 5" tall) $2.50 (5 or more $2) 18 available • especially fragrant: golden marjoram, chocolate mint (leaves); lily of the valley (flowers) • very drought-resistant: bergenia, lonicera, sedums, bearded iris SHRUBS/TREES cotoneasters; lonicera nitida (box honeysuckle); red-leafed lonicera; snowberry; boxwood; spirea ("Anthony Waterer"); yellow flowering currant FLOWERS canna lily; day lilies: yellow ("Lemon Lily"), orange, double orange ("Kwanzo"); campanula persicifolia (blue, white); campanula glomerata (blue); spiderwort (blue, magenta, white/blue eye); Solomon's seal; bearded iris; blue violet; mauve violet; fragrant purple or white violet; lysimachia (golden loosestrife); primula ("sieboldii", bright pink), crocosmia (montbretia); lily of the valley; coral bells (pink flower); catchfly (silene, hot pink); corydalis (cream); saxifrage ("London Pride", variegated leaf); globe thistle (blue); bergenia (pink); black-eyed Susan*; heliopsis*; schizostylis (pink)*; turtlehead (chelone, pink)* *bloom late summer into fall GROUND COVERS Serbian bellflower, creeping jenny, bishop's weed, periwinkle, barren strawberry (yellow flower), euonymus "Gaiety", variety of sedums, sweet woodruff, ribbon grass NATIVE PLANTS fir, cedar, snowberry, wild strawberry, Indian plum, elderberry, sedum spathulifolium HERBS mints (chocolate, peppermint, spearmint, eau de cologne), lemon balm, chives, golden marjoram, purple sage