Full time, seasonal labourer for wholesale field grown nursery on the Saanich peninsula. Requirements: Fit Reliable Positive attitude Hard worker Punctual Strong back Duties: -lifting and moving heavy plant material (50 lbs or more) -digging plants and tying burlap -general nursery duties -repetitive bending and lifting A willingness to learn safe use of tractors, skid steers, and other motorized vehicles , is necessary. Experience in the use of leaf blowers, string trimmers, and other small equipment is an advantage, though this can be learned on the job. Hours: 8 am -4:30 pm , Monday to Friday -starting as soon as possible and working seasonally until the end of November, restarting in March of next year -wages dependent on ability and experience…minimum starting wage is $22 per hour and wage would increase as you became more familiar with job We are not on a bus route. Reliable transportation to and from work required. Rain gear, steel-toed boots , and gloves required. Experience in the horticultural field preferred, but not essential. This is an opportunity to work, as well as to learn about mechanics, machines, growing plants, etc. if you want to start your own farm/nursery/ gardening business in the future. Please email resume to: office@kimoffnursery.ca I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for reading this ad.