829-C Admirals Road, Esquimalt BC www.eccentricartiststudio.com info@eccentricartiststudio.com 778-757-3274 (EASG) Rent space to fire your own work, by appointment only. Shelf Size: 21"W x 21"D x 9"H Bisque Firing: $0.0065/g by piece Glaze Firing: $0.004/g by piece $10.00 per tray (10.5"x15") 9 inch maximum piece height. 20 inch maximum piece length. Entire Kiln Rental: $65.00 20 inch maximum piece height. 20 inch maximum piece length. Any pieces for kiln firing that are larger than the maximum allowance without renting the entire kiln will be charged at $0.04/cubed inch of the entire piece. All accepted pieces are up to our ceramics instructor's discretion. We will only accept glazed pottery that has fully clean foot rings. If the glaze is new or runny, your pieces must have half inch (1/2") of exposed clay at the bottom. ALL PIECES MUST HAVE A CHOP MARK TO IDENTIFY WHO CREATED THEM. We are not responsible for your piece if the glaze runs and causes the piece to stick to the kiln shelf. If this occurs, please be aware that to remove the piece from the shelf, it is unlikely to survive. Grinding of the kiln shelf is the only method in "fixing" a shelf that has glaze hardened onto it. There is a fee depending on the severity of the damage and we don't want any sad faces; please be mindful!