We’ve had this in storage hoping we’d be able to use it again - I love it but we have no space. It’s wrapped and ready for transport. Pick up Gordon Head. Retails $250 at the Brick. The glass is in mint condition. The legs have a few small nicks in them towards the base that could easily be fixed with a restoration pen. Jorja 34.75" Modern Glass Top Coffee Table - Brown with Bentwoood Legs. https://www.thebrick.com/products/jorja-coffee-table-1?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-nh1vPxcVMFhW2iI6PigqgSH4kO&gclid=CjwKCAiAxqC6BhBcEiwAlXp451-9G04icPKDJmfhetUiHeGCOBF9uHFzRXjM_X-aIXo0XXfvYt24-BoCCNYQAvD_BwE