Lathe work, milling, other precision machining - please inquire. Repairs, modifications, or new parts fabricated. Threaded parts of almost any thread pitch. Metric or Imperial. Bushing bearings, automotive, farm, industrial or home. Custom photography equipment and lens mounting and adaptors. Metals, plastics, I can help advise you the best materials for the application. Steel, stainless, aluminum, brass, engineering plastics such as Delrin, Nylon, ABS, PVC, etc. Bonding/welding of some plastics and metals. Precision turning of hardwoods is also possible. Please feel free to ask questions, if you need a part made or repaired. Can also make multiple parts in batches for manufacturing. Reasonable rates, flexible schedule. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please watch your junk mail, due to spam filters, or you might miss my reply. Please check your junk mail folder frequently. Thank you!