Moving and need to rehome my freshwater aquarium. The tank is a custom 80 gallon (48l x 24h x 16w) with 3/8” glass and flip-up glass lids. Comes on a sturdy and serviceable stand with shelves and closing doors. Also available for purchase with the tank: Nicrew 48” full spectrum LED light Marineland 360 canister filter Fluval 407 canister filter 200w Eheim heater Marina 300 air pump Sponge filter Digital power centre with timer to control all of it Freshwater master test kit 25’ python Mini gravel vac Miscellaneous supplies (prime, aquarium salt, airline tubing, t valves), food and decor (driftwood and ceramic catfish log) 4L DIY CO2 Also a java fern on driftwood. More information/photos available on request. Must pick up