Leather Note-taker Wallet Women's Trifold + 6 notepads to fit the wallet. This was ordered from David Allen's Getting Things Done website. It's a wallet, and also a handy note-taker. If you are standing in line at the grocery store, and you have a brilliant idea, you pull out your wallet and jot it down! Or write your grocery list in your wallet before you going to the store. Very handy. Genuine Leather wallet, with slots for credit cards, bank cards and business cards. Also two slots for bills and a slot for ID. This wallet has a handy zippered pocket on the back. And of course has a pen and note pad. Very soft leather, feels good in your hands. Well designed and well made! Handy size: 7 inches X 4 inches. This cost over $100, and I'm throwing in the note pads for free. Down sizing, see other ads for lots of stuff... :-)