This is a beautiful and very fast bike. It is a pure racing machine ready to accelerate and claim the hills. This bike was purchased in April 2023, by the original owner (Me). The bike has no scratches or dents. It looks like it was just purchased from the shop. The bike was never ridden in the rain, snow, or wet conditions. The reason for selling this bike, I ordered a new bike. This bike comes with some extra parts that reflect the price: 1. Roval Rapid Aero handlebars (brand new) $850 2. Ceramic Speed oversize pulley $780 3 Ceramic Speed bottom bracket $400 4. Carbot ti brake rotors $450 5 Carbon ti chainrings $400 6 Ultegra 160 mm cranks $400 7 Ultegra original 172 cranks $0 8 TPU tubes $90