Oak Solid wood Queen or Double Headboard approx 63 wide x 28 height fits both 79.00 Solid Oak dresser 3 piece set as new $389.00 OBO take as a 3 piece set is Preferred a Down Sizing Sale Pewter Candle stick holder one of 299.00 Solid wood ....One end table glass insert / Carved legs as per photo Lovely piece this is 99.00 obo Large shelving unit about 10 ft wide x 20 inches deep $399.00 think its 3 pieces Posted Sept 14 /24 Bring help to Load and Haul away Pet Beds 2 new ones 18.00 text for a faster reply 250 886 9375 NOT on email much 2 Vintage Santa;s $229.00 for both OBO office Comfy Leather Chair Elevates $135.00 ..is on Working wheel Casters Posted Sept 12/ 24 Rockwell wall Plates kitties/birds etc cries of London 10.00 each or 20 for a better deal